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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get veneers? Will I regret getting veneers? Are veneers worth the cost?
What price do you put on a beautiful smile? What price on having confidence to smile, wherever, whenever you feel and let your happiness show whether its in pictures or a zoom call? What price can you put on not letting self consciousness hold you back? The mouth is the window to your health and your soul. I treat patients who see the value in this treatment and understand the return of investing in yourself. I have never had my patients regret the decision of getting veneers.
Are veneers worth the cost?
You can expect them to last a very long time, if you take care not to abuse them. Anything that can crack a tooth can crack a veneer. Patients usually ask to renew their veneers after 20-25 years.
Do I need dental insurance?
I consider dental insurance a nice fringe benefit from an employer, if they pay for most of the premiums. True insurance policies pay for losses that are very large or catastrophic. Dental insurance is the opposite as it covers minor expenditures and stops at a yearly maximum of $1,000.00 - $2,000.00, leaving costly treatment up to the patients’ pocket, no matter what the plan. So, no you don't need insurance. In our office we offer a discount loyalty membership plan for the uninsured as well as 0% financing for one year for those who qualify.

Reasons Our Patients See Us

Our patients come to us at many stages of life and for many different reasons. Whatever your reason, we're here to help you achieve the smile you want. We have the skill, the experience, and the desire to help you look and feel your best.